What do you feel inside a hyperbaric chamber? -Questions and Answers
What do you feel inside a hyperbaric chamber? The hyperbaric oxygen treatment is a safe and effective therapeutic modality, when delivered by trained and certified individuals. Chamber atmosphere pressurization occurs slowly allowing you to adjust ear pressure changes. Yawning, swallowing or "blow the nose" clears…
Glioblastoma & Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Glioblastoma & Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Journal of Alzheimers & Neurodegenerative Diseases Malcolm R Hooper1* 1 Clinical Director Oxymed, Australia *Corresponding Author: Malcolm R Hooper Clinical Director Oxymed, Australia Tel:+61 3 9826 9898,<b Received Date: May 25, 2020 Accepted Date: Jun 02, 2020 Published Date:…
Hyperbaric Oxygenation to Heal a Brain Wound
The US DOD's largest study to date on the use of Hyperbaric Oxygen in the treatment of Persistent Post-Concussive Syndrome finds hyperbaric treatments were associated with significant improvements in post- concussion symptoms and secondary outcomes, including PTSD (which most participants had), depression, sleep quality, satisfaction…
Tiny Bubbles: Better in the Wine than in the Blood
Decompression Sickness, Decompression Illness, and Arterial Gas Embolism from Blast Injury: Not exactly the same things, but damned close when it comes to treatment. Each of these conditions is brought about by barotrauma, injury caused by changes in ambient pressure that occur too quickly and/or…