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Effective treatment for Sports Injury: Accelerate Recovery from Sport’s Injuries with HBOT

Injuries, rehabilitation times and their long term effects from the participation in sports on all levels is a substantial concern of players, coaches and parents alike.  A recent study of hockey players less than 16 years of age found that as many 25 % sustained concussions in seasonal play.  The use of hyperbaric oxygen has been studied extensively in the treatment of concussions and post concussion syndrome even years after injury with the following conclusion “HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy) can induce neuroplastlcity leading to repair of chronically impaired brain functions and improved quality of life in mTBI (concussion) patients with prolonged PCS at late chronic stage”.

What is Hyperbaric Oxygen?

Hyperbaric Oxygen is a therapeutic option, which is capable of delivering oxygen to tissues in the body that are in critical need of it. HBOT is a method of delivering oxygen  that carries with it the same logic practitioners use in justifying giving blood for hemorrhage and water for dehydration. Even in cases where the normal delivery of oxygen is impaired or blood flow is compromised to some degree by swelling, such as impact injuries and ligament damage, treatment with oxygen under pressure provides a means that is uniquely capable of reaching damaged tissue.

Recovery from injury is impaired by inflammation and the lack of oxygen. Swelling impairs the delivery of oxygen to injured tissues at a time where they need oxygen to heal. Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to reduce oedema, increase circulating stem cells and deliver oxygen to tissues in critical need, reducing rehabilitation times.

The use of hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) has been used in sports for several years as an integral part of the rehabilitation of athletes suffering from injuries. Effectiveness has been demonstrated in a wide range of injuries and recovery from fatigue with pro sports teams and winter Olympic teams. Oxygen is used by all cells in the body to create the energy needed to function efficiently. Oxygen is the essence of life.

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