How does hyperbaric oxygenation help in pain management?
How does hyperbaric oxygenation help in pain management? Related to crush injuries, pain results from swelling around sensory nerves. Hyperbaric oxygenation acts internally to reduce swelling. Swelling causes ischemia, lack of oxygen circulation. When ischemia is severe and persistent it may lead to an anaerobic form…
What is the difference between saturation and oxygen tension?
What is the difference between saturation and oxygen tension? The problem we face in advocating proper usage of oxygen involves confusion between saturation and oxygen tension, 100% vs.. 100 mmHg. Only dissolved oxygen contributes to the tension (or partial pressure). Study the figures for oxygen…
How does being inside a pressurized chamber give us more oxygen?
When we are inside a chamber pressurized at twice the normal air pressure it may not feel different, but we breathe double the number of molecules. Breathing pure oxygen in such a chamber gives us 10 times the regular amount of oxygen. In one hour we can…
What difference does extra pressure create? Questions and answers
What difference does extra pressure create? Hemoglobin (in red blood cells) holds 97% of its maximum amount of oxygen from normal air or holds 100% when breathing pure oxygen. One gram of hemoglobin can only combine with 1.34 ml of oxygen. Therefore, red blood cells…