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Hyperbaric oxygen eases drug withdrawal symptoms

Drug, alcohol and toxin use have devastating effects on various organ systems in the body including liver, kidneys and most importantly the brain. These are essentially microscopic injuries brought on by chemical abuse and should be treated as such. In fact many studies suggest that it is these injuries that are responsible for relapse and the perpetuation of dependency, making alcoholism and drug dependency a genuine disease rather than a moral failing.

Hyperbaric oxygen accelerates the metabolism of existing toxins remaining in the body, reduces withdrawal symptoms by up to half, improves sleep patterns, reduces irritability and discomfort and restores and rejuvenates blood flow and oxygenation in organ systems such as the brain, kidneys and liver. This leads to more rapid recovery of damaged organs and arrests brain damage following cessation. The reduction of the effects of withdrawal, coupled with the repair of injury in the brain is likely to help reduce the incidences of relapse studies suggest.

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