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Cancer-Beneficial effects of Radiation Induced Tissue Damage and HBOT

Beneficial effects of Radiation Induced Tissue Damage and HBOT

I have been in the hyperbaric field for over 35 years. In this time I have fielded a lot inquiries concerning thee use of Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy in treating Cancer. HBOT is not a primary treatment for Cancer. It does compliment traditional treatments for Cancer. Recently it has recognized as an integral part of an emerging metabolic approach to Cancer using a treatment strategy described by Dr. Thomas N. Seyfried  in 2017 Article called Press/Pulse:  a novel therapeutic strategy for metabolic management of cancer.        

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has been recognized for its beneficial effects on radiation-induced tissue damage, often referred to as radiation necrosis or late radiation tissue injury. Here are the key impacts of HBOT on this condition:

1. Enhanced Tissue Oxygenation: HBOT increases the oxygen levels in the blood, which can significantly enhance the oxygenation of hypoxic, radiation-damaged tissues. This increased oxygen supply supports cellular metabolism and can help in the repair processes of damaged tissues.

2. Stimulation of Angiogenesis: One of the critical mechanisms by which HBOT aids in the healing of radiation-induced tissue damage is through the stimulation of angiogenesis. By promoting the formation of new blood vessels, HBOT improves blood flow to the affected areas, which is crucial for delivering nutrients and oxygen needed for tissue repair.

3. Reduction of Fibrosis: Radiation can lead to fibrotic tissue changes, which compromise tissue elasticity and function. HBOT has been shown to reduce fibrosis by modulating the production of collagen and other extracellular matrix components. This can help in restoring tissue structure and function.

4. Modulation of Inflammatory Response: HBOT can modulate the inflammatory response associated with radiation damage. It can reduce chronic inflammation by altering the levels of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines, thereby facilitating healing.

5. Cellular and Molecular Effects: On a cellular level, HBOT can affect the behavior of fibroblasts and other cells involved in the wound healing process. It also influences various molecular pathways that are involved in cell survival, proliferation, and apoptosis, which are crucial for tissue recovery after radiation damage.

6. Clinical Outcomes: Clinically, HBOT has been used effectively to treat a variety of chronic radiation-induced injuries, including osteoradionecrosis, soft tissue radionecrosis, and radiation cystitis. Patients undergoing HBOT for these conditions often experience significant improvements in symptoms, healing of wounds, and overall quality of life.

Overall, the use of HBOT in managing radiation-induced tissue damage is supported by its ability to enhance tissue oxygenation, stimulate healing processes, and reduce detrimental fibrotic changes. These effects make HBOT a valuable adjunctive treatment in the management of late eefects of radiation.

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