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Fear-mongering and Special Interest in Healthcare (FMSIH): What drives healthcare in North America?

BACKGROUND AND OBSERVATIONAL EXPERIENCE My sole motivation for writing this narrative is to record observations that I have seen over a period of 35 years in which I have worked in healthcare in the Western Hemisphere. My exposure to and experience within healthcare is diverse…

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Silent Wounding – Unrecognized and Untreated

It has been 7 years since I first published the following article.  What has changed? A lot of U.S. Taxpayers money has been committed to studies whose only definitive conclusion is further studies are needed. Investigators interject themselves into ongoing studies to further federal grants…

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Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Inflammatory Response to Wound and Trauma

There is growing interest in expanding the clinical applications for HBO2 (hyperbaric oxygen therapy) into new medical and surgical fields  The pathophysiology of response towards wounds, infection, trauma, or surgery involves various chemical mediators that include cytokines, prostaglandins (PGs), and nitric oxide (NO). The beneficial role played by HBO2…

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You will have to learn to live with it or maybe not

You will have to learn to live with it or maybe not   It is reported that as many as 800,000 or 40% of the over 2 million coalition forces that have served in combat theatres over the last decade are struggling to deal with…

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